We navigate our world largely by means of assumptions, based on superficial perceptions—whether that’s new acquaintances, a place we’ve never previously visited, or indeed, a location we frequent all the time. We constantly judge the proverbial book by its equally proverbial cover.
But when we take up a different point of view, and see our subject from another angle, questions suddenly arise that may well call our earlier inferences into question. When we look at a store or mall from its rear rather than its front, we are dealing with a world that looks nothing like the familiar one with the shiny logos that try to part us from our cash.
Here, we see the working end, which is only kept as clear and clean as is absolutely necessary, to get goods onto shelves, and trash into dumpsters. From broad tableaux of colorful walls, to smaller scenes in which a door might admit a character at any moment, and finally on to curious and sometimes abstract props & sets, a world emerges that is radically divergent from the one we thought we knew. Gone is the usual spectacle of retail, replaced by an absurd little theater instead.